
What do you cook at a FUDGE PARTY?

I'd say this title is similar to "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?" Rather self-explanatory.

Since posting the fudge party postcard the other day, I've been thinking a lot about fudge; more than usual. I have resisted all urges to make any. A friend makes some each Christmas and gives me a can. I make that last for several months. But oh, how nice it would be to have a piece right now; especially my grandmother's fudge. Alas, it's been over 40 years since I tasted grandma's fudge. Funny how some smells and tastes stay with you forever.

I give you some fudge recipes from a 1931 cookbook put out by General Foods. Best Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes from Walter Baker & Company, Inc. located in Dorchester, Massachusetts. This company was founded in 1780. It is now owned by Kraft Foods. You know, mergers, mergers, mergers. You can still buy Baker's chocolate, though being on the West Coast, I tend to now buy Guittard, a local SF Bay Area company.

So knock yourself out. Get the mixing bowls out and get to work. And if you're not in the mood for candy try a fudge cake. Then do let me know if you tried any of these. I will only read them and dream.

Click on any image to see it larger.
Walter Backer & Co._tatteredandlost

Walter Baker_fudge_tatteredandlost

Walter Baker_fudge cake_tatteredandlost

Walter Bake_center_tatteredandlost


  1. La Belle Chocolatière!!! I'd recognize that lady anywhere. Fabulous recipes in that book, but the one I had (I think) was an earlier version.

  2. They all sound good, especially with a cup of coffee.

  3. "La Belle gets around!" I have the 1932 version of this recipe book, with a slight title change: "Baker's Best Chocolate Recipes". The pages you show are an identical match, page numbers and all, but the the hot cocoa image has been dropped from the 1932 version, the back cover is plain blue!
