
PULLMAN SLEEPERS, a Soap Opera, and a Moral

Another vintage World War II ad from the November 1943 National Geographic. This one, for Pullman Sleeper train cars, sells you a soap opera and a moral to the story. Like many other ads, the company was not just selling their product, but also the idea of the country uniting in the war effort. Also, be polite...except of course to the enemy. Racism front and center.

Pullman train car ad_tatteredandlost
Click on image to see it larger.


  1. Enough said and you said it well. Have you read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet yet?

  2. Oh heavens no, not yet. I haven't bought the book. It's on my Amazon list for when I get money. Or if I'm lucky I'll find it at my used store.
