
New added benefit found for LOG CABIN SYRUP!

Yes, it's true. Log Cabin Syrup continues to astound the scientific community with its many amazing properties. In February 1934 it seemingly allowed William Archibald Pennington, Jr. to simply disappear. Amazing! Truly astounding! Scientists were left scratching their heads. The military brass  instantly became interested in "Project Log" which until recently was stamped "TOP SECRET" and kept in an old coffee can at the Pentagon. Yes, it's true. Even the Pentagon isn't very good at managing their ephemera.

Log Cabin ad_FEB 1934_tatteredandlost

I'll let you decide next time you try a bottle. Do you get all tingly, feel like you're about to enter another realm? Okay, seriously...have you had your glucose checked lately because I think we're talking some serious diabetes.


  1. Next time I try a BOTTLE? NEVERRR! I'm holding out for the TIN. ;o)

  2. Oh boy you had me worried there, I thought Jnr had been abducted by aliens, although if they had any sense they would have abducted the Log Cabin Syrup to cure all their ills!

  3. As I passed a display of Log Cabin on a grocery shelf today I couldn't help but nod and smile knowing I was in the presence of supernatural greatness.

    "Log Cabin Syrup...the only syrup I physicist will buy."

  4. Ya know, those Log Cabin ads are starting to make me wonder... I'm with Janice .

  5. I'm waiting for the company to send me a "cease-and-desist" order.

  6. Oh I hope not! ha ha ha

  7. Actually I can see a nondescript car coming down the road with two nondescript looking guys in it right now. So either they're here to serve me papers or the FBI is finally catching up with me or I'VE JUST WON A MILLION DOLLARS FROM PUBLISHERS CLEAN YOUR HOUSE!
