
CATCHING A RIDE around Westwood Village

I'm almost convinced this is fake. Westwood Village with light traffic? Nah, never happened. For those who don't know anything about Westwood just say that it's a college town; UCLA to be exact. Don't think pretty little leafy college town. Think hustle and bustle and a parking nightmare not far from the 405, aka the San Diego Freeway, that for a very long time after it was initially built didn't actually go to San Diego. But there was a little falafel stand in Westwood I would like to be at right now.

Click either image to see it larger.

If you click to see the image larger you'll find some in-house handy work putting in company signage. You'll find Standard Supreme, a pretty fancy gas station, on the left. There is also signage for Sears and Bank of America. I just love the way old cards have odd little handiwork they figured nobody would ever notice as not being actually in the photo.

I'd really like to know where the outdoor skating rink was.


  1. Man, I remember that falafel place! Oh man, you made me hungry!!

    1. Oh I'm glad someone else remembers it. They were scrumptious!

  2. Felix0912/03/2012

    I've always loved the brightly colored tourist postcards of the postcard "linen-era." They were intended to promote the pictured scenes to tourists so the scenes were idealized. Thus they weren't 100% true-to-life but I for one would not want to live in a 100% truthful world. I wouldn't want to see a hairy wart on Mona Lisa's nose. :-)

    1. Yes, they were slightly surreal. Now cards look pretty much the same everywhere. They're always picture perfect with no flaws.
