On August 1, 2009 I did a post about an old ad for Camel cigarettes. Those who have been reading this blog for awhile may remember it. It involved the Palmer family, owners of the Palmer Hotel in Chicago. Specifically it involved one of the wives of Potter D'Orsay Palmer, a wealthy rather useless playboy who at one time was married to the exotic Maria Eugenia Martinez de Hoz who was featured in the ad. Well...
Today I heard from the granddaughter of Maria Eugenia Martinez de Hoz. Instead of reposting everything I'm just suggesting you click HERE to see for yourself.
This is when blogging gets really fascinating. I started this particular blog about ephemera to see where old pieces of paper would take me. It's a real adventure, especially when someone steps forward to provide personal information not available on the net.
So thank you Matilde for providing me with the information missing from the post. It's now nicely tied together.
Wow! Isn't the web a wonderful resource? Someone on another continent finds a post that you did about her grandmother!