

One of my favorite movies is Mr. Roberts. I can watch that one over and over and never get tired of it. The cast of Henry Fonda, William Powell, James Cagney, and Jack Lemmon as the hysterical Ensign Pulver, are perfect. Lemmon will always be the true Pulver. Nobody else can inhabit that character. Plus, the little flat island shown in the background in the opening shots is Midway Island where I once lived.

Somewhere around this house I do have a copy of the book Mr. Roberts, but it is not a movie tie-in having been printed decades after the movie. The book shown today is for the follow-up movie Ensign Pulver which starred Robert Walker, Burl Ives, Walter Matthau, Millie Perkins, and once upon a time husband to Nancy Sinatra, Tommy Sands.

Ensign Pulver_tattered and lost

I know I've seen this movie, but have only vague memories of it. It's not one I'll rush to see because Jack Lemmon WAS Ensign Pulver, not Robert Walker.

I'm sure I bought this book, and yes I bought it when the movie came out, hoping for more Ensign Pulver shenanigans. Don't ask me about the book. No memory of reading it. It's in pristine condition.

1 comment:

  1. Had no idea this follow up to Mr. Roberts existed. The Ensign Pulver movie sounds pretty awful.
