I've mentioned in the past that years ago I was up very late one night, searching around ebay, blindly clicking from page to page. Ebay can be such a bad place in the middle of the night, especially if you've taken an Ambien and haven't gone to bed. The next morning I awoke and remembered I had a debate with myself about a box of paper dolls for sale for several hundred dollars. Did I or didn't I buy them? I did, and my stomach sank. Fortunately when the 29 pounds of paper arrived I changed my mind. Hundreds of paper dolls, all neatly arranged in envelopes for those that were cut, and nicely labeled. It had been a collection that had belonged to a librarian who had died. I put many of them in albums, but there are still several hundred to go.
This little fella, Klaus, is in a booklet that contains 3 dolls. He's a keeper.

I haven't made the rounds of fellow bloggers in a while, glad to see you're still posting, too. And of course, I love stories of great eBay purchases such as this -- hope you continue to post what you found all those years ago. A librarian's collection, who could ask for more?