
TAKE FLIGHT on Valentine's Day

This first card has 1951 written on it in pencil and was published by Hallmark.

boy pilot_1951_Hallmark_tatteredandlost
boy pilot__2Hallmark_1951_tatteredandlost

This second card, one of my favorites, has no date, but I'm assuming it's late 30s to 40s.

girl pilot_ft_tatteredandlost

girl pilot_in_tattererdandlost


  1. Hope you have had a great Valentine's Day! I love all the old cards - guess I just love all of the vintage stuff! Must be because I'm vintage myself! :-)

  2. A day with chocolate is always a good day. Hope you had a good one too.

  3. A valentine from an aunty and uncle? Different in my day. S.W.A.L.K.

  4. I don't remember ever getting one from my aunt or uncle either, but then they lived far away. Of course, if I could ever find that box of cards I squirreled away in the attic I might find otherwise.

  5. What a great little collection. It's nice to be able to look at them online...that way the melted valentine chocolate on my hands can't get on them.
